Monday, October 18, 2010

A Training Tip by Brian Michelino

      When training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or MMA at D’Arce Brazilian Jiu Jitsu you learn at least one move or technique per class, often practicing the move till near perfection.  In either case it’s important to try and remember what you learned in class on that day, the techniques you learn in class will come in handy during live training. Often I’m in a certain position in our live training sessions and I will instantly remember a
move from class that might help me escape a bad position. One of the reason I’m able to remember nearly all the moves I was taught in class is because I keep a daily journal of each technique, and often study them.
      Keeping a journal is a common practice in many different BJJ schools, though not mandatory for class, I would highly recommend it especially for more complicated moves. Techniques often have many different parts so it’s important to remember all the options you have so you can maximize the effectiveness of the move itself.  Often at D’Arce Jiu Jitsu after class the instructors or some high level grappling competitors will stick around to drill some moves. It’s at this point in class were you can ask a instructor or competitor questions or advice about a move you want to learn, it’s also just as important at this time to record all the advice you got all this information is the key to Brazilian jiu jitsu success.
       Eventually the idea is to make these moves become second nature but honestly that takes a lot of training and mat time. So until then do yourself a favor and write it down. As soon as I get home I write down the moves we learned and a description of them just to make sure I don't forget. I always make it a point to try moves we did in the previous class as well, this will ensure I’m keeping myself sharp.

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