Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday Training at D'Arce Jiu Jitsu & Mixed Martial Arts by Brian Michelino

Mondays at D’Arce Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA is probably my favorite
day of the week. We have three classes on Monday, a morning Gi
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Class, a high intensity Mixed Martial Arts class
(MMA) and a fast paced No-Gi BJJ class. Normally in the morning there
is a different group of people then the evening classes so in the
morning I can try out things that my training partners might be wise
to in the evening classes. Typically this class starts with a warm up,
and then we move to the technique portion of the class. For this part
of class we are usually taught a particular set of moves that some way
or another relate to each other. After we learn the new technique then
we normal do a live training session in our Gi’s. Normally we switch
partners so we roll with everyone in the class. (As long as the class
size isn’t that large)  After all this the instructor in charge
normally keeps the mat open for a while allowing us to drill or train
on our own. After the morning class I normally feel so energized
throughout the rest of the day.
       Then I go through the rest of my day until around 6:30. MMA starts
around 7:00pm but there are normally a few people hitting the bag or
shadow boxing beforehand. Plus if you’re a new to MMA and Boxing you
might need some time to wrap your hands and gear up. MMA starts with a
few rounds of shadow boxing and jump roping, once we are all warm we
typically start a few rounds of a Muay Thai style drill that allows us
to practice our knee strikes without damaging our training partners.
Then we partner up with someone around our skill level and do some
striking drills. We do combinations back and forth to our partners,
these drills allow us to practice our striking combinations it also
allows our partners to practice their blocks. After we do a few rounds
of striking practice we move to some live sparring. Participating in
live sparring is not mandatory, but if you are confident in your
abilities you can try your luck training live. I personally love this
aspect of class it’s the part I look forward to most. You get a chance
to train with some pretty experiences Thai fighters and MMA
practitioners. After we do some live training we finish class by doing
some light conditioning drills designed to keep you sharp.
       After MMA you jump right to No-Gi BJJ. No Gi Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is
my personal favorite class. I enjoy training with the kimono but I
enjoy the fast paced back-and-forth battle that a no-gi match can
provide. We start of class with Jiu Jitsu style warm ups, typically
hip escape drills and a penetration step drill. We move on very
similarly to the Gi Class I described above.  The No-Gi class seems to
focus a little bit more on wrestling. There is a lot of live training
during this class, this class is very fast paced and I normally get
the most out of this. There are normally a lot of our advanced members
so if you’re new to the sport don’t worry there will be someone here
to help you along. These classes all have tremendous instruction and a
very strong attention to detail don’t have any reservation about
coming down, whether you’re a pro MMA fighter training for your next
fight or new to the sport looking to learn what MMA and BJJ is all
about come down give a class a try.

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