Thursday, October 21, 2010

Frank Shamrock partially blames Dana White for MMA not being legalized in New York

Frank Shamrock

The always outspoken Frank Shamrock commented on Dana White's role in MMA becoming legalized in New York.

"The face of our sport is Dana White and out here in conservative New York, the way people think, bald-headed, tattoo'd, swearing people are just not a good representative of our brand and unfortunately people think that Dana White speaks for MMA, and they're confused," Shamrock said Monday on The MMA Hour. "They don't know he speaks for the UFC. They think he speaks for the entire sport and [they think] the entire sport is made up of Dana Whites."

Shamrock also goes on to mention the correlation between Dana White's propensity toward being an unconventional CEO, not being a Martial Artist himself and the negative way the media portrays the sport of Mixed Martial Arts.

"... I don't think it's all on him," Shamrock elaborated. "But we're entering a new era of social media and Dana is a very outspoken figure in every way, mostly with the f-bomb and all that. I'm a martial artist. To me, the art is the most important thing. I don't get the same thing from Dana, that's all."

"I don't believe that Dana White is a martial artist," Shamrock said, never shy to dispense UFC criticism. "I don't see a martial way that he is following."

Dana White
Frank Shamrock feels that MMA needs another figure that is in the public eye, he believes in no uncertain terms that he is in fact that figure.

"I probably wouldn't have had the rough lifehood, I probably wouldn't have went to jail, I probably wouldn't have done all those things," the 37-year-old said. "Because I didn't have a way, a life, I grew up very poor, abused. I didn't know there was a better way. [MMA] is the better way. That's why I'm so passionate about it. That's why we got to do something for the arts."
"In no uncertain terms, what [New York politicians] have said is, 'The appearance of the sport is something we're not ready for,' and the appearance of the sport is Dana White and the UFC because no one else has been here in the media and explain it and has credibility, who's done it," Shamrock said.

"I know what the art is and I'm here to represent it," Shamrock said. "I think that's all we need. We need a different face."

To summarize whether you see agree with Frank Shamrock or not you cannot disagree that the sport of MMA in terms of media representation should not be monopolized by one man.  Mixed Martial Arts as a whole can only prosper from others fighting on its behalf.

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