Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beginner Blues by Brian Michelino

I’ve been noticing lately training at D’Arce Jiu Jistu there are a few people training who get upset and discouraged after getting submitted during class. As a Beginner in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu you’re going to get submitted a lot. Even after you’ve been training for a while you’re going to find yourself in bad positions and getting submitted regardless.  The real challenge is staying with it and persevering through tough submissions and positions. The reality is your going to get submitted a lot, but before you know it you’re going to be the one pulling off submissions of your own.

When I started training I was getting submitted all the time.  I was training with people who had much more experience then myself, but one of the reasons I chose to train at D’Arce Jiu Jitsu was the instruction from
my training partners. When the people training with me would beat or submit me and saw something I was doing wrong they would help teach me the proper way to do the technique.  This helped me tremendously
and I can still recall advice I received on my first class.

After training a while with people who had much more experience new students started to join so I would pair up with them during training.  Now it was my turn to help the newer guys learn from their mistakes. 
You really need to put your ego aside and you have to understand that you’re going to lose a lot in this sport, but the more time you put in the better your going to get.  Just like in anything, practice makes perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Getting submitted is part of the job,if you can't take jiu jitsu is not for you...

    Martial Art Training
