Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Power of Wrestling by Brian Michelino

My name is Brian Michelino I am from Suffolk County, Long Island. I train consistantly at D’Arce Jiu Jitsu in Bay Shore, NY.

I learned very quickly the power of wrestling training at D’Arce.  Sometimes in class we will do a round from the feet, meaning you start your training (or sparring) by standing up and working for a takedown (or throw). The first time I trained fom the feet in class I was matched up with a high school wrestler, and was taken down at will.  I was discouraged at first; it was difficult for me to deal with a solid wrestler.  As I progressed in my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu career I learned the little tricks that helped me deal with good wrestlers,  adding certain sweeps and submissions to my game that worked well against them.

I don’t think that I’ll ever be someone who will walk on to the mat and be a dominating wrestler, but training my wrestling often will allow me to not be taken down and controlled as easily.  A few months ago at a Grappling competition I scored one of my first take downs, a single leg trip.  It was a takedown that I had worked on in class; I was excited to achieve one of my goals of taking someone down in a competition.

Many Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners have a hard time dealing with the strong base of a solid wrestler.  At D’Arce Jiu Jitsu there are always quality wrestlers to train with, and  they often stay after class and help the other non wrestlers.  In Long Island there are not many BJJ/MMA schools that offer wrestling and I believe that it is very important  aspect in both MMA and BJJ.  The bottom line is if you control the Wrestling, you control the fight.

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