Saturday, September 11, 2010

What style of Jiu Jitsu is best for MMA?

As most of us know there are many styles of Jiu Jitsu and grappling.  Those of us who have trained for a long time and developed a specific "game" especially know what I am talking about.  Usually our "game" is developed as a result of many outside factors including but not limited to our Jiu Jitsu lineage, body types, strengths, and weaknesses.  But what makes one style more effective than others specifically geared toward mixed martial arts?  For example, here in long island, New York there are many Jiu Jitsu schools, some legitimate and some not...what separates their success levels in mma?

1. For mma one of the most important aspects is to fight for top position. Although you must have a good guard, you generally don't want it to be your first option.
2. If you are in the guard, it must be an active one.  The guard is not a position that should be held until it is passed.  It is a place where you opponent should not want to be, and if you are attacking, he is defending, and not able to mount any offense of his own.

3. Always be conscious of putting yourself in striking position.  If you are on top make sure you have good posture and control of your opponent.  You have to maximize your leverage and maintain position. 

4. It is not a Jiu Jitsu match and you do not have to "score" points.  In other words you can be in the guard, maintain top position and win due to strikes, you don't have to pass the guard to win.

5. There are many positions in Jiu Jitsu that are effective but if used in MMA would be silly.  For example, a position like the inverted guard would end very, very badly.

These are just a few examples but the point is, if your goal is to fight in Mixed Martial Arts, keep in mind the positions you are putting yourself into even during your Jiu Jitsu training.  This is a constant point that we like to drive home with our fighters at D'Arce Jiu Jitsu and MMA Center.

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